I wanted to tell you a little bit about these bonuses you can get FREE today as part of the Countdown to Cyber Monday SALE... These are fantastic and worth every penny youd pay $1,935 for any other day. Fast action takers only will get the $166 per day case-study where Billy walks you through how he was able to generate income consistently with a simple 3 minute method. This is a $197 value. Then, you also get access to The Secret Mastermind Group where you can connect with the insiders and big players personally to learn their secrets and maybe even collaborate on a project. This is easily a $497 value. Both of those are great, but this bonus is amazing -- Live Training $100,000 in Just 90 Days! Youll get an exclusive invite to our live training call showing you how to scale our simple 3 minute method to $100,000 in 90 days or less... this is the best high-ticket training you can get for $997 -- but youre getting it for FREE. But only when you take fast action and take advantage of the stupid low discount ($191.05 OFF) and get this immediately plus the 3 mega bonuses you literally cant get anywhere else. Hurry, the clock is ticking! Ill see you inside, Jason Mangrum makemoney.cash
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/7pj4C/h/Countdown_to_Cyber_Monday.htm
Saturday, 26 November 2016
Countdown to Cyber Monday SALE
Theres a major contest going on, and it ends on Cyber Monday... Some of these bonuses might even be more valuable than the main product itself. Ive been doing business online for 16 years, so I know when a product has quality training and when its full of fluff and BS. This is a quality product and especially if youre new, youll get a sure-fire way to make extra money very quickly using it. If youve been in the game for awhile, you might find some of these bonuses of great value -- you can check them out here. The special bonuses and extreme discount ($191.05 off!) will be going away soon -- the clock is ticking so hurry and claim yours while the cost is extremely low! Access Your Product and Bonuses Here Enjoy, Jason Mangrum makemoney.cash
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/JxDqC/h/Countdown_to_Cyber_Monday.htm
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/JxDqC/h/Countdown_to_Cyber_Monday.htm
Thursday, 24 November 2016
Thank you
Its a blessed time, when the chaos of the world is for a moment -- put aside in the minds and hearts of millions to come together in a spirit of harmony and peace. A beautiful day to remember that family and fellowship matters more. The story attached to this day is irrelevant. It can be for everyone across the world -- celebrated as a day to reflect on what you are genuinely thankful for in your life. What could it hurt? Hit pause on all the chaos and negativity and just bring to mind a few things you can genuinely say thank you for. Doesnt have to be to anyone or anything in particular -- its the actual vibratory effect this word thank you has that creates form, organizes chaos, brings harmony, and is shown in labs across the world to heal water, forming beautiful complex geometric shapes within the ice crystals, exposed to this word... Even if its merely written on the label outside of the container! This simple word thank you transcends all races, religions, cultures and languages. 99% of most peoples lives are spent thinking and feeling about things they dont like, dont want, things they fear, things they want to change, etc... Assign just one day out of the year to counter-balance all that negativity with a feeling of genuine gratitude -- no matter how small or large -- the feeling is a frequency unto itself, and one that nourishes the soul. Why not today. Thanksgiving Day. The day the world can give a simple thank you for all that is good. Wherever you are in the world right now... Thank you. Bless you and your family. I love you. That is all. -Jason
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/PMANC/h/Thank_you.htm
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/PMANC/h/Thank_you.htm
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
Trigger Warning: Rant incoming... hold on tight
Ok, So I often try to steer far away from politics, mainstream news, clearly bias propaganda, etc... But, I gotta say... for whatever reason... maybe I dunno, out of shear morbid curiosity perhaps, I had about as much BS as I could stomach just from social media alone that I finally decided to dive in and spent more hours than Id like to admit watching both sides before, during and after this national tragedy. No, Im not referring to the election (either side) -- Im referring to the absolutely embarrassing reactions from people who frankly, have the most brainwashed, clueless, rude, arrogant completely stupid and immature child- like behaviors I have ever witnessed. I learned new, embarrassing terms like, SJW, Triggered and micro-aggression. Oh, and lets not forget safe spaces. Holy shit. If youre offended thus far, you obviously ignored the trigger warning (LOL) and should definitely not read this email. Its amazing. But in a horrific, yet almost comedically sad kind of way that amounts to little more than children throwing a temper- tantrum for not getting their way... censoring free speech, intellectual diversity and lacking plain old simple household manners! Being neither right or left in any remote sense of those terms gave me the ability to watch both sides of this travesty with a non- bias perspective on either side. That said... While I have seen a small percentage of actual racists gloating and being bullies over their candidates victory, Ive seen ten times more genuine HATE and a level of human ignorance that Ive never personally seen before in my lifetime, coming from the losing candidates side. They talk about love, while spewing hate, and actually being violent, aggressive and literally DOING everything they claim to have hated about their opposing party. Just wow. Im sure this is going to get a few un- subscribes. Good. :) If you are remotely offended or god- forbid, triggered by anything said here thus far, then please see the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this email - and click. If it doesnt work the first time, try again. In a business that thrives on responsibility, being an adult and acting like one, working hard and working smart to earn your money without feeling entitled to it... to actually believe and practice that true equality means you dont hate anyone - even those whom you claim are the haters - that you treat all people of every nation, every color, every religion, every creed with equal respect because you are intelligent enough to know that racism, bigotry and also reverse-racism and bigotry are just byproducts of ignorant people given a bastardized, dumbed-down form of education in even the most prestigious universities... You who are awake to the grand design behind the political machine... whove seen those who are pulling the strings on both sides from behind the curtains... who refuse to buy into the PC rhetoric and actually have the innate ability to hear opposing views without going into meltdown... ...and organizing riots, damaging both private and public property... being a general nuisance to all of civilized society and showing the entire world that theyre a bunch of snowflake crybabies who clearly werent raised to be actual adults but grown children in very much need of a spanking and nap-time... To all of you great people of the USA and this Earth -- those who havent yet been offended by words -- to those of you who havent retreated to your safe-spaces... I commend you. I applaud you. I do believe that you -- the actual adults of planet Earth are the real majority, and I salute you. Im proud youre my subscriber. Again, I am not remotely political. Both sides have bones flying out of their respective closets. But what Ive seen humanity degenerate into on american streets since the election is pure disgusting garbage that has literally set this country back decades. The whole world is watching. Allies and enemies alike are judging the strength and merit of this country by what theyve seen on their televisions and the internet. And theyre laughing. If you havent noticed, I dont do PC. I take no sides, but Im going to tell it like it is, from an un-bias perspective without the bullshit thats been coming out of both sides... but just from independent analysis, its coming from the left in droves and waves of riots, screams, chants and outright violent and criminal behaviors. I have zero respect for these types; theyre pretty much un-reachable for the most part. In a hypnotic stupor so deeply ingrained into the way they see and operate within their reality, that just about any attempt to provide new information is a lost cause, because the way their brain handles the input is literally stored away and consciously ignored by their own Reticular Activating System. This isnt of course a one size fits all critique, as everyone is unique and different and should not be generalized -- but those who have rallied and are blocking roadways and highways, forcing their misguided agenda upon innocent civilians -- damaging their cars and making them late for work... ...or worse -- killing people who cannot get to the hospital in time to save their lives -- these people are perfect symbols for everything they stand against, by their own actions, often forcing the motorists they are delaying to finally get fed up and go bowling for ignorant protesters stupid enough to stay in the road, as their vehicles begin accelerating from the unrest. I dont condone violence or hate of any kind. I dont want anyone to get hurt. But if youre standing in a road where cars are driving by, youre probably going to eventually get hit. This generations parents likely never taught them that -- or much of anything it seems. Still here with me? Awesome. Thank you for being my valued subscriber and an outstanding member of our global society. If youre reading this just to *be* triggered like some smack-addict who just cant get enough of the stuff that makes your blood boil so you can feel triggered and play the victim... You will never be successful in life. And youll probably never be happy, either. Something, somewhere will always come along and try to victimize you. Things will always happen to you, and youre powerless to stop them. Why? Because youre the victim. But success isnt built on a victim mentality. How you respond to what happens to you dictates how far you get in life. It doesnt matter where you come from, what your background is, how many fingers and toes you have -- there have been people with unimaginable disadvantages who have made successes out of themselves. And they never did it by blaming other people. Only by blaming themselves and holding their own responsibility for their actions or in-action, has anyone ever become a success at anything. You can throw out all the words you can think of, and project them at someone else -- and thats never going to actually put you where you want to be -- unless your idea of success is becoming road candy or dissolving your own individuality into a group, so you can have solidarity and feel safer. Omg. Alright, well... rant over. Im counting on hundreds, maybe thousands of unsubscribes from this email. But thats alright, because Id rather have a handful of real men and women to empower than tens of thousands of little snowflakes to console and apologize to for sharing my perspective as a complete political outsider, looking into what has become a great national embarrassment. So if youre not a snowflake, stick around because this is just getting good. If you are... Theres a special link inside this email. Its the unsubscribe link. And you can click it as fast as you can and go run to your safe space before youre triggered into making an even bigger ass out of this nation, and yourself as a decent, civilized human being. Stay tuned, -Jason PS. If youre sticking with me even after this purposefully polarizing email, good for you. You collectively are the backbone this nation needs most regardless of your beliefs, ideas, race, religion, class, culture or creed. To you who are non-violent, intelligent, well- educated, thoughtful, caring individuals... Keep being awesome. And if youve read this far and havent been triggered yet, heres a shameless plug for smart entrepreneurs that has nothing to do w/ politics! Now lets all hug and be friends, shall we? :) Or, you can...
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/9n.xC/h/Trigger_Warning_Rant.htm
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/9n.xC/h/Trigger_Warning_Rant.htm
Monday, 21 November 2016
Holy shit. I learned something new (Trigger Warning!)
Ok, So I often try to steer far away from politics, mainstream news, clearly bias propaganda, etc... But, I gotta say... for whatever reason... maybe I dunno, out of shear morbid curiosity perhaps, I had about as much BS as I could stomach just from social media alone that I finally decided to dive in and spent more hours than Id like to admit watching both sides before, during and after this national tragedy. No, Im not referring to the election (either side) -- Im referring to the absolutely embarrassing reactions from people who frankly, have the most brainwashed, clueless, rude, arrogant completely stupid and immature child- like behaviors I have ever witnessed. I learned new, embarrassing terms like, SJW, Triggered and micro-aggression. Oh, and lets not forget safe spaces. Holy shit. If youre offended thus far, you obviously ignored the trigger warning (LOL) and should definitely not read this email. Its amazing. But in a horrific, yet almost comedically sad kind of way that amounts to little more than children throwing a temper- tantrum for not getting their way... censoring free speech, intellectual diversity and lacking plain old simple household manners! Being neither right or left in any remote sense of those terms gave me the ability to watch both sides of this travesty with a non- bias perspective on either side. That said... While I have seen a small percentage of actual racists gloating and being bullies over their candidates victory, Ive seen ten times more genuine HATE and a level of human ignorance that Ive never personally seen before in my lifetime, coming from the losing candidates side. They talk about love, while spewing hate, and actually being violent, aggressive and literally DOING everything they claim to have hated about their opposing party. Just wow. Im sure this is going to get a few un- subscribes. Good. :) If you are remotely offended or god- forbid, triggered by anything said here thus far, then please see the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this email - and click. If it doesnt work the first time, try again. In a business that thrives on responsibility, being an adult and acting like one, working hard and working smart to earn your money without feeling entitled to it... to actually believe and practice that true equality means you dont hate anyone - even those whom you claim are the haters - that you treat all people of every nation, every color, every religion, every creed with equal respect because you are intelligent enough to know that racism, bigotry and also reverse-racism and bigotry are just byproducts of ignorant people given a bastardized, dumbed-down form of education in even the most prestigious universities... You who are awake to the grand design behind the political machine... whove seen those who are pulling the strings on both sides from behind the curtains... who refuse to buy into the PC rhetoric and actually have the innate ability to hear opposing views without going into meltdown... ...and organizing riots, damaging both private and public property... being a general nuisance to all of civilized society and showing the entire world that theyre a bunch of snowflake crybabies who clearly werent raised to be actual adults but grown children in very much need of a spanking and nap-time... To all of you great people of the USA and this Earth -- those who havent yet been offended by words -- to those of you who havent retreated to your safe-spaces... I commend you. I applaud you. I do believe that you -- the actual adults of planet Earth are the real majority, and I salute you. Im proud youre my subscriber. Again, I am not remotely political. Both sides have bones flying out of their respective closets. But what Ive seen humanity degenerate into on american streets since the election is pure disgusting garbage that has literally set this country back decades. The whole world is watching. Allies and enemies alike are judging the strength and merit of this country by what theyve seen on their televisions and the internet. And theyre laughing. If you havent noticed, I dont do PC. I take no sides, but Im going to tell it like it is, from an un-bias perspective without the bullshit thats been coming out of both sides... but just from independent analysis, its coming from the left in droves and waves of riots, screams, chants and outright violent and criminal behaviors. I have zero respect for these types; theyre pretty much un-reachable for the most part. In a hypnotic stupor so deeply ingrained into the way they see and operate within their reality, that just about any attempt to provide new information is a lost cause, because the way their brain handles the input is literally stored away and consciously ignored by their own Reticular Activating System. This isnt of course a one size fits all critique, as everyone is unique and different and should not be generalized -- but those who have rallied and are blocking roadways and highways, forcing their misguided agenda upon innocent civilians -- damaging their cars and making them late for work... ...or worse -- killing people who cannot get to the hospital in time to save their lives -- these people are perfect symbols for everything they stand against, by their own actions, often forcing the motorists they are delaying to finally get fed up and go bowling for ignorant protesters stupid enough to stay in the road, as their vehicles begin accelerating from the unrest. I dont condone violence or hate of any kind. I dont want anyone to get hurt. But if youre standing in a road where cars are driving by, youre probably going to eventually get hit. This generations parents likely never taught them that -- or much of anything it seems. Still here with me? Awesome. Thank you for being my valued subscriber and an outstanding member of our global society. If youre reading this just to *be* triggered like some smack-addict who just cant get enough of the stuff that makes your blood boil so you can feel triggered and play the victim... You will never be successful in life. And youll probably never be happy, either. Something, somewhere will always come along and try to victimize you. Things will always happen to you, and youre powerless to stop them. Why? Because youre the victim. But success isnt built on a victim mentality. How you respond to what happens to you dictates how far you get in life. It doesnt matter where you come from, what your background is, how many fingers and toes you have -- there have been people with unimaginable disadvantages that have made successes out of themselves. And they never did it by blaming other people. Only by blaming themselves and holding their own responsibility for their actions or in-action, has anyone ever become a success at anything. You can throw out all the words you can think of, and project them at someone else -- and thats never going to actually put you where you want to be -- unless your idea of success is becoming road candy or dissolving your own individuality into a group, so you can have solidarity and feel safer. Omg. Alright, well... rant over. Im counting on hundreds, maybe thousands of unsubscribes from this email. But thats alright, because Id rather have a handful of real men and women to empower than tens of thousands of little snowflakes to console and apologize to for sharing my perspective as a complete political outsider, looking into what has become a great national embarrassment. So if youre not a snowflake, stick around because this is just getting good. If you are... Theres a special link inside this email. Its the unsubscribe link. And you can click it as fast as you can and go run to your safe space before youre triggered into making an even bigger ass out of this nation, and yourself as a decent, civilized human being. Stay tuned, -Jason PS. If youre sticking with me even after this purposefully polarizing email, good for you. You collectively are the backbone this nation needs most regardless of your beliefs, ideas, race, religion, class, culture or creed. To you who are non-violent, intelligent, well- educated, thoughtful, caring individuals... Keep being awesome. And if youve read this far and havent been triggered yet, heres a shameless plug for smart entrepreneurs that has nothing to do w/ politics! Now lets all hug and be friends, shall we? :) Or, you can...
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/92SoC/h/Holy_shit_I_learned.htm
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/92SoC/h/Holy_shit_I_learned.htm
Thursday, 17 November 2016
The A-Z High Ticket Sales, Targeted Traffic + Massive List Building – TOGETHER!
WOW Everyone is going raving about this! My friends Gary and Rash have put together together an awesome video training series that will show you how to finally start making insane amount of sales online even if youre a completely non-technical, green newbie! It will also enable you to inject a massive blast of visitors to your exiting business which will take it to the next level You see they actually cover HIGH TICKET SALES. Promoting other peoples high ticket offers as an affiliate or creating your own. Imagine being able to make $1K, 5K or 10K PER SALE. Well now even newbies can do it right out of the gate with this. They cover step by step how to get sales to high ticket offers with both free and paid traffic. Remember these offers are affiliate products and are free to promote. Think about it - Offers that are FREE to promote using FREE traffic. So you get a no cost massive income stream. They also cover how to create your own high ticket offers where you can charge 5K ir 10K per sale and even sell it with free traffic. Listen Im not sure why they are letting people know this stuff, but they have and its seriously going to change lives They also cover: How to set up a Lead Capture page, optimise it and split test it. How to select High Ticket affiliate products and CPA offers They even have a list of high ticket products you can promote so you can get going straight out of the gate. They have put this extensive course together for next to nothing for a very short time. Get in before they put the price up or changes it to a monthly payment model. Last chance! See you inside, Jason Mangrum
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/MFPh8/h/The_A_Z_High_Ticket_Sales_.htm
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/MFPh8/h/The_A_Z_High_Ticket_Sales_.htm
Simple Formula to Life Changing Income
Ever wondered why people over-complicate things? With all the methods and products out there being launched every 5 minutes And do a google search and BAM another billion results! All this information is TOO MUCH and can be downright confusing Luckily my good friends Gary and Rash have come up with the perfect product in which he reveals all and takes you buy the hand and shows you exactly how to make ridiculous amounts of income online with High Ticket Affilate products in 4 simple steps... Select A High Ticket Product to Promote Set Up Lead Capture Machine Drive Traffic Cash in on Multiple sales of $500, $800 $1K and higher. See it in action yourself If you think selling high ticket products is difficult then think again. In fact some of these methods take about 20 minutes to set up once and then watch the commissions roll in. I mean some of the tricks can be shown in simple 3 minute videos. I didnt believe it until I saw it myself. Now, he breaks down all of those steps in a straight to the point video series which covers: Step 1 Select Product to Promote: How to select high converting high ticket products to promote including Affiliate Products and CPA Offers How to create your own high converting product Step 2 Set Up Lead Capture Machine: How to set up, split test and Optimize Lead Capture pages He provides 8 Ad copy templates to use in your capture pages Step 3 Get Traffic: how to get all types of Online (over 20 sources) How to spy on your competitors traffic and use it to your advantage Step 4 Cash in on Sales This is the BEST bit. Sit back and watch the greenbacks pour into your bank account! >> Now anybody can start to see online success with this insane easy to follow blueprint for next to nothing And because its high ticket, it really will enable you to give up your day job. So hurry and get and get in while the price is so low! Take action now and be rewarded! To your success, Jason Mangrum
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/Is.h8/h/Simple_Formula_to_Life.htm
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/Is.h8/h/Simple_Formula_to_Life.htm
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
Want a five figure surge of commissions in the next 30 days?
The is a real BUZZ about this at the moment Everyone is raving about this insane video course! My friends Gary and Rash have put together a program that will literally blast your online business to the stratosphere! Or even start an online business from scratch easily, even if you are completely new to online marketing. This covers step by step how to make big ticket commissions like $500, $800 or $1,000 (or more) PER SALE... Using simple little tricks that seriously take anywhere between 15 minutes to 1 hour to set up. (Set and Forget) As well as the right traffic sources to use for these offers. Some of which can literally bring 10s of thousands (or even 100s of thousands) of visitors overnight. You seriously will not be able to handle it all! They also cover: How to spy on your competitors traffic and use it to your advantage How to set up a Lead Capture page, optimise it and split test it. How to select HIGH Ticket affiliate products, CPA offers and Physical products for highest conversions How to actually create a a high ticket product of your own in quick and easy steps that anyone can do (even if you think you cant) and can sell for $5K or $10K a pop. They even throw in a HIGH TICKET ROLODEX that you can use to select high ticket offers and promote right out of the gate. They have put this together for next to nothing for a very short time. The step by step delivery method also makes it perfect for newbies This truly is the A-Z on high ticket affiliate marketing and traffic generation, but you gotta get in quick before the crazy low one time launch price is gone forever! See you inside, Jason Mangrum
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/7T.h8/h/Want_a_five_figure_surge_of.htm
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/7T.h8/h/Want_a_five_figure_surge_of.htm
The Money is NOT in the List!
Listen I need to tell you something about list building that may just shock you When I decided to start making money online I did was just about every new marketer does. I purchased information products that taught me how to build a list and make money What I found was that all of the guarantees how this would transform my life, the big six- figure screen shots, and the desperate hope for passive income that I felt at the time, were just empty promises. I did everything to a T following step by step (and maybe youve done this before either with the very same product I purchased or even in another industry) I tried to do everything the right way Youve already guessed that it didnt work Yes, I built a list. But it wasnt a profitable list. All of this time, people were telling me that the money is in the list. But after years or personal testing and trial and error, what I actually found was the COLD HARD TRUTH! Money is only in a RESPONSIVE list. And my friends Gary Alach and Rash Vin have come up with a step by step blueprint on how to create just that! This blueprint is amazing and the lid has finally been lifted on how the gurus make all their outrageous amounts of cash It goes in depth on how to target high quality traffic, getting that high quality traffic on your list, and turning that traffic into money! And today, for less than the cost of any other comprehensive traffic training program, you can learn how to build a RESPONSIVE list and how to find RESPONSIVE TRAFFIC, that converts with HIGH TICKET OFFERS with HIGH TICKET CASH MACHINES Yesthis course talks about list building Yesit talks about affiliate marketing, CPA offers, multi-level marketing, and creating your own products. Yesit shows you how to set up capture pages, write copy, split test and optimize for conversions. Yesit talks about over 20 different types of traffic and where to find it Other courses accomplish some of these same goals But no other course covers all of these components in relation to selling High Ticket Products at this ridiculously low price. Hurry before the price increases To your massive success! Jason Mangrum
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/Myzh8/h/The_Money_is_NOT_in_the_List_.htm
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/Myzh8/h/The_Money_is_NOT_in_the_List_.htm
No Ingredients Left Out in This Recipe
In fact they are giving away everything, including the kitchen sink for next to nothing! In case youre wondering what I am going on about, my friends Gary and Rash have created the ultimate training program where they draw back the curtains on a dirty little secret that increases their affilate earnings 10 fold (in fact 100 fold) And shows you how to make crazy amounts of high ticket affiliate sales and build a hyper responsive mailing list in the process And Im not talking about piddly little $7 or $27 products. Im talking about 4 and 5 figure products that can earn you $1,000 for every sale and more! Get Instant Access Here NOW A lot of gurus will be PISSED with this because they teach everything step by step including: How to get every type of traffic available (even offline) quickly and easily How to spy on your competitors traffic and use it to your advantage How to set up a Lead Capture page, optimize it and split test it. How to select HIGH TICKET affiliate products and CPA offers for highest conversions How to even create a high ticket product of your own that can sell for 5K or 10K per sale, which anyone can do (even if you think you cant) Its the best program I ever seen for newbies just starting out But it is also good if you want to scale your existing business to the next level as they teach how to get massive traffic on demand. Go check this out right now They should be charging at least $197 or even $997, but they havnt done that The CRAZY thing is that they put it all together for a mere fraction of that for a very short time only for his launch only JUMP ON THIS NOW To your MASSIVE Success, Jason Mangrum
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/E3Rh8/h/No_Ingredients_Left_Out_in.htm
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/E3Rh8/h/No_Ingredients_Left_Out_in.htm
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
Build a Responsive List While Getting Paid High Ticket Commissions
Want to build a massive list of targeted buyers in record time while getting paid in High Ticket Commissions in the process! This step by step blueprint shows you just that The insanely cheap training program steps you exactly how to rake in commissions of $500, $1000 and higher . As well as how to build a list at the same time and how to access over 20 different traffic sources (although you only need to use 1 or 2 of these)... And to top it off they will show you how to create your own high ticket product that you can sell for $5K or $10K (or more) and keep the whole lot. Ill keep this brief but you gotta see this step by step blueprint which makes becoming an online success refreshingly easy to learn. Go See This Right Now You can thank me later, Jason Mangrum
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/Okth8/h/Build_a_Responsive_List_While.htm
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/Okth8/h/Build_a_Responsive_List_While.htm
This Will SHOCK You!
What Im about to say will shock you. Frankly speaking, 99% of people reading this email wont be able to handle it. Heres the deal: Lately theres been an influx of ugly systems spawning the marketplace... Its getting NASTY. They claim to take a breathtakingly short time to master, but very few live up to their overly bloated claims. Yes, the truth aint always very pretty. On the other hand, it makes it easier to spot real gold nuggets And when I saw this come into the marketplace, I thought it was a breath of fresh air! Ill bet you dollars to doughnuts you wont find anything as accurate and to-the-point as this. I aint no genius, but I figured it out pretty quickly. Im sure you will too. The Free video breaks everything down to its simplest form. Follow the simple system and get excited to see all the Big Ticket earnings come in. Start Now Take action today, and seriously If you find this too complicated maybe its time to reconsider your career choice. Thank me later, Jason Mangrum
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/CeJh8/h/This_Will_SHOCK_You_.htm
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/CeJh8/h/This_Will_SHOCK_You_.htm
Have You Ever Been Promised Something that Failed to Deliver
Hey, Most people that have tried to start making money online have bought into the promises of the various Make Money Online products and know that unfortunately the vast majority of them fail to deliver. Leaving them feeling frustrated, broke and on the verge of giving up. Especially when their friends and family are on their back, telling them that they are a crazy lunatic for even trying to start an online business and that the whole Make Money Online thing is a scam! There a products coming out every 5 minutes and to tell you the truth a lot of them are garbage and show you only part of how to make it online. But are more interested in getting peoples money and then sending them emails promoting more garbage products so that they can bleed them dry even further and contribute to the overwhelm! Now dont get me wrong, there are some fantastic products that actually do work and the only reason people have failed after buying them is that they havent taken action. I can go on about this point forever but Ill save it for another time Having been in that position of buying shitty products and feeling extreme overwhelm It is refreshing to see the new training program by Gary Alach and Rash Vin which has just been launched called High Ticket Cash Machines. You see Gary and Rash were complete newbies not so long ago and was fed up with the garbage that was out there and decided to create the most step by step, newbie friendly training program available at an amazingly affordable price. I have been fortunate enough to get a review copy and let me tell you they have really OVER DELIVERED! The Step by Step video lessons in High Ticket Cash Machines covers: * How to sell high ticket affiliate products for commissions of up to $1K per sale (and higher) on complete autopilot with easy set and forget steps. * How to create your own high ticket products that can be sold for $5K, $10K or higher and sell with 100% free traffic. * How to build a targeted subscriber list at the same time * How to split test and optimize your capture pages for maximum conversions (this is a KEY and is CONVENIENTLY left out of other courses) * How to get 20+ sources of online traffic (including some that are right under your nose but you dont know about PRICELESS (Some of these traffic sources can get you a six figure surge of visitors within 24 hours ) * How to spy on your competitors traffic sources and use it to your advantage So hes given you everything you need to start your online business with a bang or scale your existing business to the stratosphere. Applying this knowledge will allow you to build a hyper responsive targeted list in record time while raking in multiple high ticket commissions. To be honest, I think they are crazy to offer all this value at such a low launch price, so I would get this right now before the price goes up! Get Instant Access Right Now See you inside, Jason Mangrum
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/8YKh8/h/Have_You_Ever_Been_Promised.htm
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/8YKh8/h/Have_You_Ever_Been_Promised.htm
Monday, 14 November 2016
Can I Quit My Day Job Doing Affiliate Marketing Alone? Finally Here Is The Truth
As you know there are a lot of gurus teaching affiliate marketing and getting life changing results from it. But what they are teaching you is to promote cheap $27 affiliate products or $2 CPA offers. The truth is you cannot make a decent living from promoting low ticket offers as you simply need too many sales in order to make a decent income. And whats even worse is that the products either dont work or are simply too complicated to understand. The secret to wealth is by also selling high ticket affiliate products. You know ones that pay up to $1K per sale or even higher. If you do the math, you would know that you dont need many of these sales per week to make a great income. But how do you go about selling these offers and finding them? Gary Alach and Rash Vin have finally found the answer. They show you how to find and promote high ticket affiliate offers that is so simple that newbies can go from making no sales to making multiple high ticket sales easily. In fact the have compiled a list of offers, they call the High Ticket Rolodex that gives you some of the best offers that you can immediately start promoting. They also show you how to create your own high ticket product that you can sell for $5K, $10K or more. They even teach how to get over 20 different traffic sources to these offers (many of which are free) and the exact way to build a targeted list of subscribers in the process, to ensure the income is long term and sustainable! At the moment this offer is at an insanely low launch price, but will be going to a monthly recurring fee after the launch. So Grab it Today and thank me later! See you inside, Jason Mangrum
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/Gvhh8/h/Can_I_Quit_My_Day_Job_Doing.htm
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/Gvhh8/h/Can_I_Quit_My_Day_Job_Doing.htm
The Holy Grail Of Affiliate Marketing - High Ticket Sales!
Hey, Are you sick of buying products on how to do affiliate marketing or how to make money online, going from one shiny object to another and suffering from a serious dose of Newbie Overwhelm? And they promise to teach you how to make commissions from tiny $7 or $27 products and they still dont even deliver that. Well this course is the opposite of that! This actually shows you simple steps to making HIGH TICKET Affiliate Commissions. Im talking like $500 and $1,000 and higher PER SALE! Which are free to promote (Unlike MLMs where you need to buy the High Ticket Products in order to sell them YUK!) This really us the holy grail of affiliate marketing My friends, Gary Alach and Rash Vin, have finally provided the step by step blueprint on how to snare high ticket commissions in the most simplest, step by step video training program. They really are opening a whole new world of affiliate marketing... Once you get this in your hands, you wont need to buy another affiliate marketing course again. PERIOD Not only is this the best affiliate marketing training program around, they actually takes it a step further and shows you how to create your own high ticket offers that you can sell for $5K or 10K PER SALE. Why waste time chasing the small commissions when you can easily snare the BIG ONES! The crazy thing is that they also cover: * How to select high ticket products * A Rolodex of high ticket affiliate products (so you can promote right out of the gate) * How to capture leads to build a list at the same time * How to access over 20 forms of traffic to drive to the offers * Keyword and Advertising research broken down into a simple format Ive seen products with only a fraction if this value, that have sold for $497 or even $997 and to be honest, if you dont grab this for a one time fee now, youll be kicking yourself as this will be going to a monthly recurring membership shortly. So DONT miss the opportunity to grab this at the exclusive one off launch price! See you inside, Jason Mangrum
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/EyOh8/h/The_Holy_Grail_Of_Affiliate.htm
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/EyOh8/h/The_Holy_Grail_Of_Affiliate.htm
Sunday, 13 November 2016
Make Affiliate Commissions of up to $1200 Per Sale - Yes, Even For Newbies...
The hottest launch of 2016 is underway. High Ticket Cash Machines has everyone raving! The creators literally show newbies how to rake in multiple commissions of $500, $800 or even $1,000 per sale. And its so simple that newbies are going from making nothing online to big fat commissions in no time... It has to be the best affiliate marketing course I have ever seen. No one has ever taught anything like this. It really beats the rehashed CPA and video marketing stuff that has been hammering the marketplace lately. You really need to get your hands on this. Your financial freedom depends on it. There is currently an early bird price of $16.95, which is set to rise sharply. Grab it right now! Enjoy, Jason Mangrum
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/B4j_8/h/Make_Affiliate_Commissions_of.htm
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/B4j_8/h/Make_Affiliate_Commissions_of.htm
[JUST LAUNCHED] Best Affiliate Marketing Training Of The Year Is Live
BOOM! High Ticket Cash Machines is now live. People have been banging on the door of this one and you can now get access. These guys show brand spanking newbies how to make massive life changing affiliate commissions online. And you can also now learn those same simple techniques. Gary Alach and Rash Vin quietly make a killing with these techniques and now you can too. These are NOT little tiny commissions from $7 ebooks or $1 CPA zip submits... These are commissions of $500, $800 or even $1200 per sale. You really shouldnt miss this. Get in early as the price of $16.95 is rising shortly Go now and see you there! Jason Mangrum
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/JdT_8/h/_JUST_LAUNCHED_Best.htm
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/JdT_8/h/_JUST_LAUNCHED_Best.htm
Make Your First 1K Online.... even with NO experience
You see there is a training is being launched today that really can take a brand new person from making zero online to making massive high ticket commissions. Talk about going from zero to hero... Its not BS either as I have just gone through the course and it really shows you how its done. I didnt know you could do it so easily and quickly either. If you are serious about making affiliate commissions that will allow you to quit your job, then you need to keep a look out for High Ticket Cash Machines. I personally know the guys who created it and they just quietly go about making these big commissions from other peoples products and they love it. The early bird price of $16.95 is a real steal, but it only lasts for the first 48 hours. So you need to act fast. Your ticket to massive affiliate paydays is about to arrive Keep a keen eye on your inbox, and keep checking back HERE to see the very second the page goes LIVE! See you inside, Jason Mangrum
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/HgA_8/h/Make_Your_First_1K_Online_.htm
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/HgA_8/h/Make_Your_First_1K_Online_.htm
Life Changing Affiliate Marketing Course Goes Live in 2 HOURS
Your ticket to massive affiliate paydays is about to arrive In just 2 hours from now, the best affiliate marketing course I have ever laid eyes on will be released to the world. Affilliate Marketing is the quickest and easiest method to earn income online as there is: No product creation No sales page creation No copy writing No support headaches No membership sites No creating content But a lot of people still struggle to make good money with this great method. The reason is that their is a missing ingredient that has never been taught in any other affiliate marketing courses ever. Well the secret will finally be revealed. My good friends Gary Alach and Rash Vin are about to show how they quietly go about making HIGH TICKET affiliate commissions with the simplest strategies around. We are talking life changing multiple commissions of $500, $800 or even $1,000 per sale. This is vital ingredient is explained so simply by Gary and Rash, youll be able to quit your job in no time. This will be launched in just two hours (unless youre reading this late, in which case youd better go see if the page is LIVE now!) Check and see if the page is LIVE Here Also, there will be an early bird opportunity to get in to this amazing training for $16.95 for 48 hours. After that it will rise sharply. Keep your eye on your inbox... And keep checking here until the page is LIVE! You wont want to miss this one. See you inside, Jason Mangrum
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/OFd_8/h/Life_Changing_Affiliate.htm
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/OFd_8/h/Life_Changing_Affiliate.htm
Thursday, 3 November 2016
Kid makes quarter million with free videos
This kid just logged into his account LIVE on screen cam and he made $250K in the past 6 months from FREE VIDEOS! wtf? lol ==> click here to see his account too Its crazy, then he showed me the automated software he uses to force YouTube and Google to rank his videos on Page 1 every time! What do you wanna rank for? Just tell the software, and kaboom you rank! hahaha ==> click here to see how it works I know its sounds ridiculous, but the kid shows you live proof of the software working on camera. Its wild. Id get moving if I were you. Last chance, Jason Mangrum
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/99upO/h/Kid_makes_quarter_million.htm
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/99upO/h/Kid_makes_quarter_million.htm
Can you upload a YT video? Congrats! You can make money today.
Did you know that YouTube gets over 4 Billion (with a B) unique visitors per day? Yes, PER DAY lol That is, what you might call ...highly profitable. Only problem is, its hard to tap into the massive free traffic that YouTube provides due to high competition. That is ... UNTIL NOW! This revolutionary new cloud-based app lets YOU rank videos on Page 1 of YouTube and Google in less than 1 minute. ==> click here to see live proof of the software in action You wont believe your eyes. This software really does rank videos FAST N EASY. But hey, as you could imagine, its in high demand, and I know the dudes who created it. They are liable to take it down and close the doors without notice. So hey, Id recommend you grab it now. Aight? Cheers, Jason Mangrum
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/FlLpO/h/Can_you_upload_a_YT_video_.htm
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/FlLpO/h/Can_you_upload_a_YT_video_.htm
Use "Artificial Intelligence" to rank videos?
There is a new cloud-based software app that leverages Artificial Intelligence to rank videos on page #1 of YouTube and Google. ==> click here to get instant access to AI Its pretty crazy considering how fast tech is advancing these days. Why should humans have to work anymore? ...exactly! well now you dont! Instead, make robots do all the hard work for you! => click here to start using AI seo tech Its the best decision youve made all week. Cheers, Jason Mangrum
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/BqlpO/h/Use_Artificial_Intelligence_.htm
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/BqlpO/h/Use_Artificial_Intelligence_.htm
Upload. Rank. Profit.
Thats basically all you need to know if you wanna rake in some fast dough. A new app just dropped and its getting 1st page YouTube rankings in as little as 1 minute. You gotta see it to believe it. ==> click here to see for yourself Oh, not to mention, dude has made like 250K from videos. You want some? ==> click here, the time is now Ill see you at the top of the SERPs. See you there, Jason Mangrum
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/IbbpO/h/Upload_Rank_Profit_.htm
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/IbbpO/h/Upload_Rank_Profit_.htm
that's crazy lol.
Wowsauce. Actually, when Matthew showed me an unlisted demo video of what it does, my reply was, thats crazy lol. Holy batwings Batman. He uploaded a video on YouTube, grabbed his video link, pasted it into his software and clicked the button. 60 seconds later... hes ranked #2 on the first page of YouTube. Hes just released it, and the video. Watch it here and download this! That was crazy. Enjoy, Jason Mangrum
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/5P1VO/h/that_s_crazy_lol_.htm
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/5P1VO/h/that_s_crazy_lol_.htm
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
New "Magic" App Gets Viral Traffic in 60 Seconds
Heres a crazy news update in the strange world of IM. Did you know YouTube paid out over 4 billion (with a b) dollars in advertising to its users? See: Source Several people are becoming legit millionaires by exploiting this massive traffic behemoth. Until now, that was only for the select few YouTube celebs. Thanks to the crazy advancement in technology, finally you can exploit YouTube for all its worth, using a point-and-click software interface that makes it extremely easy to rank videos on YouTube! Like... really easy. Watch this video of Matthew ranking a video on the first page of YouTube in... 60 seconds! Doing this manually is a pain in the ass, so Matthew and his elite team of code hackers automated the entire process with a push-button app that ranks videos for you hands-free. It just launched as of today November 2nd. Youll be shocked when you see how fast this thing really does rank videos to the top of both YouTube and Google... Watch it Now! Ill see you inside, Jason Mangrum
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/GydtO/h/New_Magic_App_Gets_Viral.htm
source http://archive.aweber.com/awlist4386430/GydtO/h/New_Magic_App_Gets_Viral.htm
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